Jana Schröder, Spontacts BO 08, 2016. Copying pencil and oil on canvas, 78.7 x 63 inches, 200 x 160 cm (JSR16.004)
Jana Schröder, Spontacts BO 08, 2016. Copying pencil and oil on canvas, 78.7 x 63 inches, 200 x 160 cm (JSR16.004)
Jan-Ole Schiemann, Verkettung, 2016. Ink and acrylic on canvas, 55 x 47 inches, 130 x 120 cm (JS16.024)
Chris Hood, Falling Wave, 2017. Oil on canvas, 71 x 54.75 inches, 180.34 x 139.07 cm (CH17.006)