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Victoria Morton Powerful Growl, 2017 Oil on canvas 70 7/8 x 55 1/8 in 180 x 140 cm (VMO22.002)

Victoria Morton
Powerful Growl, 2017
Oil on canvas
70 7/8 x 55 1/8 in
180 x 140 cm

Sue Williams Betsy Ross Composite, 2020 Oil on canvas 40 x 50 in 101.6 x 127 cm (SWI22.003)

Sue Williams
Betsy Ross Composite, 2020
Oil on canvas
40 x 50 in
101.6 x 127 cm

Stefan Müller When you're out of your mind, you can stay inside, 2022 Oil, ink, and lacquer on Panama canvas 84 5/8 x 74 3/4 in 215 x 190 cm (SMÜ22.001)

Stefan Müller
When you're out of your mind,
you can stay inside
, 2022
Oil, ink, and lacquer
on Panama canvas
84 5/8 x 74 3/4 in
215 x 190 cm

Raul Illarramendi EA n°270, 2022 Oil, watercolour stick and gouache on canvas 78 3/4 x 63 in 200 x 160 cm (RIL22.001)

Raul Illarramendi
EA n°270, 2022
Oil, watercolour stick
and gouache on canvas
78 3/4 x 63 in
200 x 160 cm

Liliane Tomasko all that we lose, 2022 Acrylic and acrylic spray on linen 76 x 76 in 193 x 193 cm (LTO22.005)

Liliane Tomasko
all that we lose, 2022
Acrylic and acrylic spray on linen
76 x 76 in
193 x 193 cm

Raul Illarramendi EA n°261, 2022 Wax pastel, color pencil and gouache on canvas 78 3/4 x 63 in 200 x 160 cm (RIL22.002)

Raul Illarramendi
EA n°261, 2022
Wax pastel, color pencil
and gouache on canvas
78 3/4 x 63 in
200 x 160 cm

Eugène Leroy Tête dans un paysage (Head in Landscape), 1996 Oil on canvas 18 1/2 x 15 1/2 inches 47 x 38 cm (ELE22.001)

Eugène Leroy
Tête dans un paysage
(Head in Landscape)
, 1996
Oil on canvas
18 1/2 x 15 1/2 inches
47 x 38 cm

Joanne Greenbaum Untitled, 2022 Oil, flashe, acrylic, and acrylic marker on canvas 75 x 65 in 190.5 x 165.1 cm (JGR22.016)

Joanne Greenbaum
Untitled, 2022
Oil, flashe, acrylic, and
acrylic marker on canvas
75 x 65 in
190.5 x 165.1 cm

Matthias Schaufler The Yoga of society, 2021-2022 Oil on canvas 63 x 51 1/8 in 160 x 130 cm (MSC22.001)

Matthias Schaufler
The Yoga of society, 2021-2022
Oil on canvas
63 x 51 1/8 in
160 x 130 cm

Jana Schröder Untitled, 2022 Acrylic and oil on canvas 78 3/4 x 63 in 200 x 160 cm (JSR22.043)

Jana Schröder
Untitled, 2022
Acrylic and oil on canvas
78 3/4 x 63 in
200 x 160 cm

Secundino Hernandez Untitled, 2021-2022 Acrylic on linen 78 3/4 x 84 5/8 in 200 x 215 cm (SHE22.001)

Secundino Hernandez
Untitled, 2021-2022
Acrylic on linen
78 3/4 x 84 5/8 in
200 x 215 cm

David Huffman Sun Ra’s Dream Part 2, 2022 Acrylic, oil, African cloth, spray paint, glitter, photo collage, and color pencil on birch wood panels A suite of 2 panels 96 x 96 in (overall) 243.8 x 243.8 cm (overall) 46 x 96 in (each) 116.8 x 243.8 cm (each) (DHU22.001)

David Huffman
Sun Ra’s Dream Part 2, 2022
Acrylic, oil, African cloth, spray paint,
glitter, photo collage, and color pencil
on birch wood panels
A suite of 2 panels
96 x 96 in (overall)
243.8 x 243.8 cm (overall)
46 x 96 in (each)
116.8 x 243.8 cm (each)

Kerstin Brätsch Unstable Talismanic Rendering_ Psychopompo (with gratitude to master marbler Dirk Lange), 2017 Pigment, water color, ink, and solvents on paper 108 x 72 in 274.3 x 182.9 cm (KEB22.001)

Kerstin Brätsch
Unstable Talismanic Rendering_ Psychopompo
(with gratitude to master marbler Dirk Lange)
, 2017
Pigment, water color, ink, and solvents on paper
108 x 72 in
274.3 x 182.9 cm

Anke Weyer Vaquera, 2021 Oil and acrylic on canvas 64 x 78 in 162.6 x 198.1 cm (AWE21.013)

Anke Weyer
Vaquera, 2021
Oil and acrylic on canvas
64 x 78 in
162.6 x 198.1 cm

Andreas Breunig Sort Cuts No. 35, 2021 Oil, acrylic, graphite, and charcoal on canvas 90 1/2 x 74 3/4 in 230 x 190 cm (ABR22.022)

Andreas Breunig
Sort Cuts No. 35, 2021
Oil, acrylic, graphite,
and charcoal on canvas
90 1/2 x 74 3/4 in
230 x 190 cm