Michael Bauer, Ether Cave and Three Aunts, 2020. Oil, crayon, pastel and acrylic on canvas, 75 x 72 in, 190.5 x 182.9 cm (MBA20.001)

Louise Bonnet, Untitled, 2020. Colored pencil on paper, 19 x 24 in, 48.3 x 61 cm (LB20.022)

Polly Borland, Morph 10, 2018. archival pigment print 92 x 78 cm, 36.2 x 30.7 in, Edition of 6 plus 3 artist's proofs (#3/6) (PBO18.013)

Polly Borland, Morph 14, 2018. archival pigment print, 92 x 78 cm 36.2 x 30.7 in, Edition of 6 plus 3 artist's proofs (#3/6) (PBO18.014)

Andreas Breunig, Body Possibility No3, 2019, Oil, graphite, charcoal on canvas, 90 1/2 x 74 3/4 in
230 x 190 cm, ABR19.026

Peter Bonde, Figurine, 2016. Oil on mirror-foil, 51 x 45.48 x 1.6 in, 130 x 115 x 4 cm (PB16.009)

André Butzer, Untitled (5 Year Show), 2020. Acrylic on canvas, 77 1/2 x 61 in, 196.8 x 154.9 cm (AB20.022)

Ginny Casey, Post Epilogue, 2020. Oil on canvas, 54 1/2 x 51 in, 138.4 x 129.5 cm (GCA20.004)

William N. Copley, Jane, 1966 acrylic on linen. 46 x 35 in, 116.8 x 88.9 cm (WC20.010)

Celeste Dupuy-Spencer, Don't Love the World or the Things in the World Think Only On Your Eternal Soul the World is Passing Away But Me and You We are Citizens of Heaven, 2020. Oil on linen, 48 x 40 in, 121.9 x 101.6 cm (CDS20.002)

Celeste Dupuy-Spencer, The Border (Father Tom Carey and Father Richard Estrada of Epiphany), 2020. Oil on linen, 18 x 14 in, 45.7 x 35.6 cm (CDS20.006)

Anna Fasshauer, Green Grey, 2020. 38.5 x 32.25 x 2 in, 98 x 82 x 5 cm. Aluminum and lacquer (AFA20.002)

Tomasz Kowalski, Skyscraper's Dream, 2020. Oil on canvas, 49 1/4 x 37 3/8 in, 125 x 95 cm (TKO20.007)

Bendix Harms Ein Geist - Ein Zeichen - Rufus, 2018 Oil on canvas 66 7/8 x 55 1/8 in 170 x 140 cm (BHA19.008)

Andrea Joyce Heimer, Yard Work With Flames In The Distance, 2020. Oil on panel, 60 x 40 in, 152.4 x 101.6 cm (AJO20.055)

Jake Longstreth, Citrus Heights, 2020. oil on canvas, 72 x 84 in, 182.9 x 213.4 cm (JLO20.045)

Alessandro Pessoli, Polka dot Adam, 2020. Oil, oil bar, pencil, acrylic, spray paint, 57 x 77 in (APE20.007)

Georg Karl Pfahler, B/G Tex I, 1967. Acrylic on canvas, 27 1/2 x 47 1/4 in, 70 x 120 cm (GKA20.005)

Jon Pylypchuk, TBT, 2020. Mixed media on linen on panel, 48 x 72 in, 121.9 x 182.9 cm (JPY20.003)

Stefan Rinck, Abstract Composition, 2019. Sandstone, 200 x 45 x 38cm (SRI19.001)

Blair Saxon-Hill, The Flute End of Consequences, 2017. Washcloth and other fabrics including netting and cashmere, wood, foam, hose, hydrocal, fiber reinforced plaster, 50 x 28 in, 127 x 71.1 cm (BSH18.061)

Jan-Ole Schiemann, Five Year Show Painting, 2020 Ink, acrylic, oil pastel and charcoal on canvas 90 1/2 x 78 3/4 in, 230 x 200 cm (JS20.035)

Jana Schröder, NEUROSOX B L1, 2020. oil and lead on canvas, 94 1/2 x 78 3/4 in, 240 x 200 cm (JSR20.007)

Jansson Stegner, Arena, 2020. Oil on canvas, 48 x 36 in, 121.9 x 91.4 cm (JAS20.016)

Thomas Wachholz, Super Flame, 2020. Acrylic and red phosphorous on canvas, Triptych: 43 1/4 x 41 3/8 in (each), 110 x 105 cm (TW20.048)

Anke Weyer, Shocks/Struts, 2020. oil and acrylic on canvas, 76 x 60 in, 193 x 152.4 cm (AWE20.006)